Webssite : www.atdmed1.com 


This is an HTTPS secure site.

NO names. are given re those giving me, directly or indirectly DENYING me  medical assistance.

ALL I do, is supply MY health and well being FACTS, what transpired especially recently re the lack of VITAL BLOOD RESULTS continues to be shocking.

DECEEMBER 2024 journal entries

15th December 2024

Somewhat rattled to realize. I have a medical professional doing an EMG
sticking pins in me?

When I FEEL NOTHING absolutely DEAD! What made it worse this time was the FACT I did not even have the sensation of the needle piercing my skin?

I also noted that my legs are far more NUMB than I had accepted them as being. The inability to flex my feet or pull my foot back towards me is also NOT happening.

BP    165/97/84    162/102/86           152/74/111    154/73/110


12th December 2024

Usual issues from going for tests etc
For days after, I can feel totally hammered re my health and well being.
Chronic fatigue is a never ending nightmare.
ALL of the other horrors in the mix delivering their aftermath following as said trips to, from examinations / consultations.

I have more tomorrow BUT after that
IF I get the same problems, I am banning ANY more tests, examinations etc

until the new year 2025

They’re killing me! I feel slaughtered. .. NO NO NO!


4th December 2024

Woke up. feeling strange sensation in my mouth, dryish, but after taking a swig of water realised my mouth was full of blood with black patches on tissue.

Bleeding from the upper pallette of my mouth.
Feels like a scab over a cut?

Dark red, with some black patches (clotting).

A real nuisance this. Quite a hefty deposit on tissue (preseved)
Salt mouth washes with some Hydrogen Peroxide to follow.

1300 Bleeding appears to have stopped BUT?!

I’ve stopped the Apixiban (Anti Coagulant)

for now until I am satisfied there will be no more bleeding.
There was clearly clotting taking place and within the actual bleeding very quickly after the bleed. INTERESTING?

OK will be monitoring this carefully

I need to EAT..

BP 159/99/102   167/99/106    173/97/96    178/102/100    153/91/83

Taken my other meds as normal bar the Apixiban





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