September 2024 Journal pages.
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29th SEPTEMBER 2024
It never ceases to do anything but prove how my assertions re the NHS and those working within it, behave. BLOODS? I had bloods taken OVER 2 weeks ago and where are the results? IF this is how they and THEY know WHO, are going to behave then I am rethinking, whether I want to continue with them.
I don’t expect results the next day or even within a week BUT 2 WEEKS? Still NO results?
At least I do have the results from PRIVATE MEDICAL tests..
It is shocking, to see, how over the last 6 months, I have been struggling whilst those so called professionals chose to ignore the most vital of all aspects to MY health and well being. VITAL blood results NOT DONE, NOW resorting to PRIVATE blood testing.
Tunnel vision and nodding dog, that you have to be. to OBEY, to bow down before them and hope that they do the vital test without PREJUDICE? Now that would be funny, if it WERE anything but the truth.
So what is TUNNEL vision? It IS when you HAVE and here I say HAVE certain medical issues going on and they choose to ignore them whilst THEY pursue their own PATH, straight ahead, nothing to the sides THOUGH some of the issues can be extremely serious.. Nah ignore them.. straight ahead.. or NEXT PLEASE. see you NEXT time (or not). Usually the get out lines include ‘Have not got time for that’ .. or changing the subject OR NOT my department.
A rheumatologist is a doctor with specialized training in inflammatory (rheumatic) disease. It’s common to think of rheumatologists when it comes to arthritis. But they treat many other conditions, including tendon issues, muscle injuries and rare, inherited disorders. YOU will be able to see over the next few weeks, a summary of what I went through that certain so called medical professionals IGNORED. its called TUNNEL vision.
When they want YOU to follow their METHOTREXATE text book, one size fits all rhetoric and get upset, domineering, bullying almost because you decide you will NOT be their NODDING DOG. Ah yes the METHOTREXATE that would have neutralised my auto immune system, made me vulnerable to constant infections requiring constant antibiotics.. AND at THEIR MERCY, their now proven track record re looking after MY heath and well being? Or not.
I NOW use a BODY CAM,. I am fed up with, the so called pretensious, self righteous I am a GOD attitudes? I have done almost 80% re my health and wellbeing to monitor blood pressure, glucose, mobility and motivity and; what have THEY done? Tests, tests and no real results, due to test samples failures, or ? As for, those VITAL bloods? A blind man stumbling around in the dark. IT IS SHOCKING, that I have to, after 16 weeks of NO blood testing by THEM? to resort to PRIVATE blood testing to prove their negligence? MORE coming up.
There are, ONLY TWO departments that I have praise for RESPIRATORY and CARDIO. So, THANK YOU to them. RHEUMATOLOGY? shocking!
29th SEPTEMBER 2024
Not good. Just NOT, feeling good overall. Blood results, so far, are interesting. Some relief in having those PRIVATE MEDICAL BLOOD TEST RESULTS available to give me some much needed invaluable insight into and helping me re MY health and WELL BEING.
TWO weeks since the NHS taking my bloods and NO results, information relayed to me etc?
19th SEPTEMBER 2024
Swollen glands : Armpit = the RIGHT one I am more than aware of re its size.. that ‘lump’ is beginning to give me cause for concern. The LEFT one is not so pronounced.
Chronic fatigue is a ! I am also fighting HYPOTHERMIA with body core temperature at FH 34.3C - Thighs L 34.3C R 34.5C Scrotum 34.5C I AM using a hot water bottle and blanket to attempt some heat - AMBIENT room temperature makes NO difference!
Blood Pressure : 167/103/76 - 162/98/75 168/86/79 We KNOW if the pulse rate DECREASES the SYSTOLIC and DIASTOLIC INCREASE IF the pulse rate INCREASES the SYSTOLIC and DIASTOLIC DECREASE
More blood tests AND other tests ongoing. PRIVATE!
17th SEPTEMBER 2024
Plenty of fluids! Bowel action GOOD ! Flush the system GOOD
Blood Pressure 178/92/86 172/92/91 174/95/82
I really suffer when my body reacts this way. Can take me HOURS to restore some normality. Bit of a frontal lobe headache.
Food and a mega drop in core body temperature Sweating and COLD! FH 84 Fahrenheit
Thighs L 83.9 - R 85.1 Extensive ECG and other tests coming up PRIVATE . Hot water bottle x 2 with blanket and resting . SWEATING!
More blood tests, more going on in other directions private wise. I am still really angry that those who should have been supporting me ? Given how much I have been doing, the little expected of them? That, is how bad it has been and MORE to follow as I bring other news to the fore.
13th SEPTEMBER 2024
Really interesting to note: After a really bad 48 hours and the hypothermia finally dying back to an increased core body temperature. I felt much better cognitively and able to move a little better.
Tests are still ongoing and it will interesting to see what results I get. Expecting CK levels to be high. Kidney and possibly Liver function tests to be showing issues. Overall bloods I doubt will be good. NOT given how I have been over the last 3 months.
I emphasize again. What they did NOT do, meant that I was deprived of the means to protect my own health and well being, KNOWING, all of the issues I have and, how important those results are to me. Leaving a blind man to stumble around in the dark. Then coming up with some real bull crap rhetoric and believe me I will publish some of that later. Minus names but the underlying truths will be there for you all to see.
Blood pressure: 172/93/76 155/102/79 162/93/105
Mega bad again. Will be a real revelation to see the blood results. I am doing a few this month including examinations. I need to start showing you all why what they did was morally wrong. This is the wonderful NHS (UK)
Cold sweats, having to use a hot water bottle and blanket. Really bad this time. Blood tests should help me try to identify some of the reasons why this is happening. LIVER? KIDNEYS? I have been having Kidney related pains BUT liver?
My core temperature is still hypothermic..
94.4 Fahrenheit. 34.6 Centigrade,
I have to have this witnessed as the usual will persist from those who choose any opportunity to challenge my FACTS. Those who claim my body has ‘normalised’. AH YES indeed. Stop my STATIN drugs because it gave me Statin related MYOPATHY and that was the test results in APRIL where the blood figures supposedly showed my condition ‘NORMALISED’.
This latest correspondence, from those, who should know better, still claiming that to be the case.. NO bloods, NOTHING to prove their merit in that statement in any way shape or form. THEREIN lies the true problem. You have to be an idiot to actually believe some of the ‘guff’ that they truly believe they can get away with.
Seriously NOT good 48 hours. A lot of gut tension, some burn from regurgitation. Taking antacid doing very little to curb the urge to throw up.
Calf areas both lower are uncomfortable. Feet are definitely NOT alright. I have a real nasty suspicion they may fail me re walking, general mobility.
STILL the BLOOD TESTING, tests, examinations, PRIVATELY, that will be happening will give me some much needed insight
More to follow...
Blood pressure 167/87/93 162/91/90 181/100/94
6th SEPTEMBER 2024
This, is the result, of all the STRESS, I have been experiencing.
BLOOD PRESSURE : 200 / 107 / 96 - 193 / 109 / 99
I have, to adopt an urgency, to this, re the possibilities, that having such HYPERTENSION poses, THIS, is the worst it has been in a long time.
Lot of problems re my GLANDS. Under arms are really bad with swelling. Arms are in a lot of pain. Swollen, stiff, painful. Fingers clicking.
Lower body : legs especially the CALF areas AND FEET are a PROBLEM re the discomfort I am experiencing . PAIN,.
Left AND right side KIDNEYS? PAIN.
GUT and abdominal discomfort continues
NECK stiffness / spine ... continuing problems. PAIN - discomfort.
BUT I do NOT have recent up to date BLOOD results to aid my health and well being. SO far the RHEUMATOLOGY department has not told me WHY they have NOT done bloods or ? since APRIL 2024
I cannot wait to see the blood results AND the medical examination reults including them being reviewed.
I cannot emphasize enough, how wrong, all that has happened has been.
I expect them, to issue a letter in WRITING, telling me WHY, they denied me access to blood results, examination and more since APRIL 2024
I WILL NOT attend any appoitnments they are trying to get me to attend since the request issued in August 2024
UNTIL I receive a letter in writing telling me WHY what has happened;; happened!
2nd SEPTEMBER 2024
Sneezing, wheezing, runny nose?
Covid anti gen test: NEGATIVE.
DO check out the AUGUST journal for a more comprehensive review. At the moment I am waiting on two medical sessions re my bloods, health and well being. NOT GP or other medical ‘professionals’ re the NHS but PRIVATE.
I will post the results, AFTER submission for advice. As many will have realized, I was left like a blind man struggling around in the dark by those who should have known better.
MORE on that coming up.
Another, NOT so good weekend. Chest tighness, calf pain and swelling. Feet / ankles a lot of discomfort. I am sure the blood tests, will reveal some true horrors. Reasons why I have had some issues over the last few months that I had NO means of knowing because they FAILED to do those vital blood tests.
My bodies peripheral temperature is still LOW, 93.8 (34.3 C) I can actually feel the coldness coupled with the cold sweats.
Blood pressure. 172 / 97 / 89 - 167 /103 93 - 188 / 99 / 87