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NO names. are given re those giving me, directly or indirectly DENYING me  medical assistance.

ALL I do, is supply MY health and well being FACTS, what transpired especially recently re the lack of VITAL BLOOD RESULTS continues to be shocking.

Overvoew 2024

Necrotizing Myopathy
Necrotizing myopathy can also be referred to as necrotizing autoimmune myopathy (NAM) or immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM). The condition is characterized by signs of necrosis, or cell death, in the muscles, which causes weakness and fatigue.
As with other types of myositis, there is no known cause or cure for necrotizing myopathy.
Signs and Symptoms
Like other forms of myositis, patients with necrotizing myopathy may experience the following symptoms: *I should add that these are what I have experienced, overcome re some ... but  ALL were relevant re ME...

    1. Weakness in the muscles closest to the centre of the body, such as the forearms, thighs, hips, shoulders, neck, and back
    2. Difficulty climbing stairs and standing up from a chair.
    3. Difficulty lifting arms over the head.
    4. Falling and difficulty getting up from a fall.
    5. A general feeling of tiredness.

Disassociated From Polymyositis ?
Necrotizing myopathy is a newly defined form of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, or myositis. Patients with necrotizing myopathy have muscle biopsies that show much less inflammation in the muscle tissue than polymyositis patients, but they have increased evidence of muscle cell death, or necrosis.

In the past, all patients with muscle weakness, elevated creatine kinase levels in their blood, and other symptoms of myopathy, but who didn’t have skin involvement, were diagnosed with polymyositis. Now, it is recognized that some of these patients have unique findings on their muscle biopsies that distinguish them from those with polymyositis or other forms of myositis.

Categories of Necrotizing Myopathies
Researchers are also beginning to distinguish different categories of necrotizing myopathy that have different risk factors and different treatments. These distinctions are based on the presence of different autoantibodies in the patient’s blood and most likely indicate that these are different diseases.

Patients with SRP Autoantibodies
Anti-signal recognition particle (SRP) autoantibodies appear in the blood tests of many experiencing symptoms of necrotizing myopathy. Patients typically experience sudden and extreme muscle weakness and aches. Some may also have cardiac involvement.

Patients with HMGCR Autoantibodies
HMGCR (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase) is a key enzyme in the production of cholesterol. Patients who have anti-HMGCR antibodies and use statin medications to control high cholesterol may unknowingly develop this type of
statin-induced necrotizing myopathy.

All Other Patients
All other patients with necrotizing myopathy, who do not show SRP or HMGCR autoantibodies in their blood tests are considered by some experts to be included in a separate, third grouping of necrotizing myopathy.

I have

Neuralgia with Myopathy is becoming more and more apparent. Muscles have become seriously problematic re wastage coupled with neuropathy = lower limbs etc 50% plus AND upper torso/limbs 40-50% nerve damage resulting in numbness of the regions affected.

Dermotomyositis !!! Buttocks left AND right.. plus around the waist area...

CHRONIC FATIGUE is still a nuisance.

Sjögren's syndrome MORE here throat remains affected by this. FACT. This is ongoing and NOT intermittent ! I suspect it may also be a reason directly or indirectly,  for my sinus issues.

Hands are swollen and though NOT as painful as I have encountered in the past; still a debilitating nuisance that does affect MOTIVITY.

I’ve managed to reduce the after effects of the howl and growl from the ongoing ‘death rattle’. The itch in the back of my throat that can irritate it enough to force a coughing fit on me... eased a little with the cough mixture AND lozenges. HOWEVER I’m getting some side effects I ssuspect as I am having to be careful due to some ‘light headedness’. A definite IF I am not careful.. wobble. THAT of course affects my mobility and motivity.

Chest wise.. getting worse re its destruction in progress... tightness, difficulty in breathing.. painful intercostal ribs AND rib cage made much much worse when coughing! Some sputum now being generated.

Sinuses are playing up with more tightness AND restricted airway ...

LOWER limbs.. both L and R legs are swollen AND overall something going on beneath the surface re muscle and ?? A very apparent hardness of muscles in certain areas? Probable tighness with muscle and tissue damage.

The ‘lesion’ area AND the surrounding tissue is  a FACT... due to Dermotomyositis


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