It is shocking, to see, how over the last 6 months, I have been struggling whilst those so called professionals chose to ignore the most vital of all aspects to MY health and well being. VITAL blood results NOT DONE, NOW resorting to PRIVATE blood testing.
Tunnel vision and nodding dog, that you have to be. to OBEY, to bow down before them and hope that they do the vital test without PREJUDICE? Now that would be funny, if it WERE anything but the truth.
So what is TUNNEL vision? It IS when you HAVE and here I say HAVE certain medical issues going on and they choose to ignore them whilst THEY pursue their own PATH, straight ahead, nothing to the sides THOUGH some of the issues can be extremely serious.. Nah ignore them.. straight ahead.. or NEXT PLEASE. see you NEXT time (or not). Usually the get out lines include ‘Have not got time for that’ .. or changing the subject OR NOT my department.
A rheumatologist is a doctor with specialized training in inflammatory (rheumatic) disease. It’s common to think of rheumatologists when it comes to arthritis. But they treat many other conditions, including tendon issues, muscle injuries and rare, inherited disorders. YOU will be able to see over the next few weeks, a summary of what I went through that certain so called medical professionals IGNORED. its called TUNNEL vision.
When they want YOU to follow their METHOTREXATE text book, one size fits all rhetoric and get upset, domineering, bullying almost because you decide you will NOT be their NODDING DOG. Ah yes the METHOTREXATE that would have neutralised my auto immune system, made me vulnerable to constant infections requiring constant antibiotics.. AND at THEIR MERCY, their now proven track record re looking after MY heath and well being? Or not.
I NOW use a BODY CAM,. I am fed up with, the so called pretensious, self righteous I am a GOD attitudes? I have done almost 80% re my health and wellbeing to monitor blood pressure, glucose, mobility and motivity and; what have THEY done? Tests, tests and no real results, due to test samples failures, or ? As for, those VITAL bloods? A blind man stumbling around in the dark. IT IS SHOCKING, that I have to, after 16 weeks of NO blood testing by THEM? to resort to PRIVATE blood testing to prove their negligence? MORE coming up.
There are, ONLY TWO departments that I have praise for RESPIRATORY and CARDIO. So, THANK YOU to them. RHEUMATOLOGY? shocking!
30th August 2024 Updates news.. CLICK HERE
GP’s paid for Diabetic eye screening? CLICK HERE _______________________________
Sat 22nd June 2024 CLICK HERE
May 31st 2024 CLICK HERE
Major dermamyositis? CLICK HERE
Major hypertension issues CLICK HERE
Pulmonary hypertension ? Click here
Necrotizing Myopathy Click here
A NEW WEBSITE is being compiled and will be ONLINE within the next few weeks. That will be divded into THREE main areas:
Pre 2023 - 2023 and 2024 journal pages.
SITE / page index CLICK HERE
Tues 30th April 2024 CLICK HERE
Feb journal : Click here
From January 2023 I’ve learned a helluva lot CLICK HERE
Despite my health and well being issues seriously compromised, I set this website up to allow the Consultants / GP’s and other interested individuals etc to be able to see on a regular basis, insight into HOW I am attempting to adapt, improvise and LIVE with what is taking place. Since January 2023 I have striven to do various tests, routines, put in place help and support re delivering WHAT is taking place in the FLESH... rather than those individuals ONLY taking their test results to deliver treatments, medications etc. REALITY versus, sometimes good, bad and indiferrent practices, attitudes !
Sat 30th Dec 2023 CLICK HERE
NOV journal 2023 CLICK HERE
OCT journal 2023 CLICK HERE
Revelations and the Apocalypse? CLICK HERE
September 2023 CLICK HERE
really BAD issues taking place. CLICK HERE
This web becomes a secure http S secure site !
I do not have the blood results for the 30th August 2023 OR Wednesday 13th SEPTEMBER 2023 CLICK HERE
The PITS .. and we’re not talking quartermass here.. CLICK HERE
Hepatitis B acknowledgement ERROR CLICK HERE
29th August 2023 Problems .. .CLICK HERE
Update 28th - 29th August 2023 CLICK HERE
LATEST BLOOD results = CLICK HERE August 3rd / 15th compared.
Ultimately the truth is, it is invaluable for those who desire to actually appreciate the time, the effort and more that I take out of my ‘life’ to put everything together etc Whilst the ones with excuses, who clearly continue using the ‘get me out of jail’ free card scenario, do not want to make the time to read up.. catch up on the latest.. even though they bleat on about helping me re my health and well being.. So what do I do, coninue with the site and OR re start the correspondence?? Seems I have little choice IF I am to protect my own self interests by having proof that I made them aware of my situation IN WRITING.. ? Just ask yourselves HOW long does it take to peruse this web online on a computer / laptop / tablet?? and an http S Secure site?? I have done the hard work for them in providing them with current up to date FACTS re my CURRENT and previous journal entries re my health and well being! I am an ex military specialist trained nurse / medical professional trained in burns, plastic surgery, nuclear tactical response, served not only in the UK but abroad / refugee camps, in the UK NHS and extensive experience re INDUSTRY re health and safety exec to medical oversight et. What I have seen and witnessed re the UK and the ongoing situation re the NHS / GPs /Practicioners / nursing and social care has at times shocked me. The indifference, almost at times passive aggression from some who because you do NOT comply, obey, bow down to them.. is truly disturbing, worst of all; terrifying knowing you could, if things get to the point re your health and well being where you are totally at their whim, their mercy? Ah yes the ones who TALK at YOU not to or with YOU.
Coming up, using a voice recorder to record telephone calls and other situations re doctors / practioners / other persons and how the LAW relates to this. I am seriously thinking of posting some extracts from audio recorded conversations NO NAMES et but just to illustrate why some are unbelievable re content et and why you would expect far more from so called professsionals.
The web will be getting an HTTPS SECURITY upgrade so that those so called GPs/practioners etc can’t have the excuse of it not being a so called ‘secure site. IT is but it will be upgraded shortly. (Who’s shortly)
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study
I need to make it clear to those visiting this site re the COVID situation - those seasonal FLU injections etc
I have NEVER had ANY anti covid injections WHATSOEVER - FACT. I have NEVER had ANY FLU and similar injections WHATSOEVER - FACT. Over the last DECADE my IMMUNE SYSTEM has protected me from coughs, colds, flu and COVID - FACT.. I regularly did the ANTI sars tests = throat /nasal swab to the latest nasal swabs with cassette testing. ALL have been NEGATIVE. (I do keep photographic evidence)
I want to take time out to thank all re those who are looking after me re the ongoing issues that I am, have faced and are continuing to do, re my disabilities. THANK YOU ALL.
Firstly this web is designed for TABLET and computer users. I am NOT looking to make it easily viewable on mobile phones etc etc. THUS if you are experiencing some difficulties re such devices I suggest you switch to viewing it on a tablet or computer device.
ERROR messages such as ‘this is not a secure site’ is auto generated by those who want to create awareness of potential risks involved in viewing non HTPSS sites and making a lot of money from having web designers etc paying for the extra HTPSS overlay. IF YOU have a decent anti virus such as ie NORTON or similar which you should have, there should be NOT risks involved whatsoever. I host with FASTHOSTS in the UK and we have a long history of working together.
This website has been produced for reference purposes AND though open to anyone viewing such data and information as provided; the owner of such a website / webmaster/ continibutor; does NOT accept any responsibility or liability re the accuracy NOR for the content provided. Those viewing this site are by invitation ONLY ! Anyone else in any way shape or form does so accepting the terms and conditions as shown within the site.
There are NO names published of WHO the relevant data etc pertains to as an individual. NOR the results originators, the doctors/ medical personnel and all other medical persons who carry out the testing procedures / prepare the reports / provide information - data that is presented on this website.
The ONLY exception to this ruling IS IF data is sourced from the Web et and is freely available as open source material without restrictions as to who views such beit data, pages, reports, studies et etc Links provided are provided for reference purposes only AND no liability or responsibility in any way shape or form is accepted should any person place or thing, click on and access the links provided.
No email address or contact details are provided for obvious reasons to those legitimately accessing this website who already have those contact details.
They can be graphic in context AND viewers access such re this site accepting this as a FACT ! Don’t continue if you are going to be upset by some of the images that are published - IT is a medical / surgical / as accurate as can be presented web.
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all who have and are continuing to give me support mentally, physically and that I truly thank you all for. Yes I have met some who are disappointing in how they tend to interact especially when it comes to a rather disturbing trait that I have since my illness and being in hosptial for some days; noted. Those who tend to ‘talk at you’ rather than a balanced ‘talk with you’ communications. Some have lost the ability methinks re social skills and partly I suspect the usual media curses are in part to blame for all of that Foreign trained staff working in the NHS do a great job propping up staff shortages but in itself that also creates a multitude of problems.
I should also add that I am in the UK so any references are UK based rather than internationally re countries, places, procedures in other countries.