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NO names. are given re those giving me, directly or indirectly DENYING me  medical assistance.

ALL I do, is supply MY health and well being FACTS, what transpired especially recently re the lack of VITAL BLOOD RESULTS continues to be shocking.

 METHOTREXATE The good the bad and the ugly?

Sept 25th Update.

I am currently NOT taking the METHOTREXATE.


I had some seriously NOT good reactions,re skin issues found in both my ‘armpits’ .
The treatment prescribed TRIMOVATE cream AND a course of ANTIBIOTICS.

Ah yes, ANTIBIOTICS. Only TWICE in my entire lifetime have I taken ANTIBIOTICS. The vulnerability that METHOTREXATE appears to perpetrate upon me is of course what becones apparent when you COMPROMISE the IMMUNE SYSTEM by using it to heavily REDUCE its effect upon your body.
In short to leave you almost defenseless re natural immunity. BUT never mind you can almost hear them saying.. we can give you ANTIBIOTICS.. hmm first time, second time..until when?? Their effectiveness is ??

Of course if you end up in serious difficulties.. there is always A and E.. (UK_) or maybe NOT... To say I don’t really think we ought to go there re their ideas on what options are open to me.. is an understatement.. I have NO intention unless I am dead or dyng re that gateway to hell.

I am also NOT taking the METHOTREXATE until I get current up to date BLOOD RESULTS. Currently I do NOT have results for the 30th August AND Wednesday 13th SEPTEMBER 2023 

The reason for me having bloods taken re every TWO WEEKS is to ascertain certain factors, IMPORTANT FACTORS re the taking of the METHOTREXATE but ALSO so that I can see what is happening re so many other variables where my system is being dangerously compromised.. etc?!

I will NOT take the Methotrexate until I am up to date, appraised properly re the BLOOD RESULTS.

It’s been in use for over 20 years. Thus one could say its efficacy has been proven BUT?

For those who want to understand what lies at the core of some of my concerns you need to look no further than ie YouTube.. input ‘METHOTREXATE side effects’ . I’m not going to go into depth re this subject, do your own research et

What I AM going to concentrate on, is how it affects me from the first pills I take onwards. Those who have a clearer understanding of my primary health issues will I am sure. appreciate my attention to detail re this.

In the beginning the start DAY was determined as a FRIDAY.. THAT after some reflection on my part was changed to the following MONDAY ! My reasoning was simple.. IF I had issues especially severe ones re side effects etc?? The weekend is NOT the best time to be able to access help from medical professionals etc. Believe me in the UK think again re that scenario if you don’t want the usual retort ‘ah well there’s always A and E (Accident and Emergency) and no there is no way other than I am half dead OR DYING that will ever happen.. re me. Of course getting help from ie your local GP etc or other medical professionals is NOT so easy either ... I won’t say anymore on that subject.

It is a KNOWN truth that it can FOR SOME:

Cause really bad NAUSEA. Can seriously affect the LIVER. Gut problems including Diarrhea etc .. Affects or can cause DIABETES? Can affect WBC, RBC blood levels /counts etc

Can cause ‘Brain fog’ (Believe me that is of some major concern, because keeping your wits about you in this day and age, when it comes to others re medical professionals and those minions around them.. ?? You snooze.. (get brain fogged’.. you lose. )

As I have already said before, stop thinking because they are what you want them to be.. perfect, emotionally balanced, loving, caring; individuals is often far from the truth.. they ARE ‘human beings’.. full of the angst, the anger, the rage the fury and all that goes with being human; good bad and INDIFFERENT. How many of those do YOU know, who are NON medical professionals around us that we KNOW are egotistical, narcissistic with personality disorders, money grabbing, bullying, borderline anti social, pathological liars?? HUMAN BEINGS and the words are, subject to HUMAN NATURE. Take those from foreign backgrounds who are NOT UK born and who have lived through their countries hardships and ask yourselves if their attitudes to your whining let alone DINING does not make them view how you are seen by them?? Think that THEFT does NOT occur within the wards of a hospital?? Some old git getting admitted and money or personal possessions stolen etc?
Therein lies the real issue with those who contrive to use the terms ‘PARANOIA and PARANOID’ to lightly dismiss such, often knowing that in reality such exists. Where to you think the robbing, thieving criminals who take thousands NO, MILLIONS from the NHS who work for or are directly or indirectly employed by the NHS ec come from?

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