Ongoing issues that remain’topical’.
One of the most offensive activities direct or indirect that can be found by some medical professionals and less.. re YOU and your heightened awareness of what is affecting YOUR HEALTH and WELL BEING is the way some dismiss it as ‘paranoia; or as being a ‘hypochondriac’.. I need to emphasize this. IF YOU are GENUINELY feeling UNWELL, NOTICING and SENSING certain things going on that are unpleasant, debilitating and that you KNOW should be brought to the attention of ie your GP / practitioner, other medical professionals OR simlar?? Then make sure you do so. Unfortunately those who employ online ONLY systems such as ie ‘My GP’ etc think they are doing eveyrone a favour when in reality it is simply a means for them to make it even harder to make an appointment to see them in person. That ‘face to face’ is I recognised a while ago, resigned to history. It’s now down to akin to being on a production line escalator.. move alone; next! If you are AFTER ie 6pm even using the online systtem will NOT get you their attention instead.. A and E is always another alternative.
I’m fighting the current situation / issues as they occur.. I have to.
I have NO intention of ending up in the A and E department NOR the hospital without a real fight. That spurs me on more than anything in my resolve because I no longer have that much faith in the NHS. Not after recent events where I spent 4 days in the hospital in question. NOT HAPPENING unless I am DYING or DEAD.,.
The emphasis that the vovernment (UK) want to adopt is one of more COMMUNITY BASED care .. after care ongoing in situ care etc. HOWEVER. i have constantly found that to be anything but. All too often as I have pointed out before, the 1 in a million rhetoric is a truth that cannot be denied. If you are ill you are in a queue... FACT. That is why the GP system if NOT infallible. They have too many REGISTERED patients, too many NON REGISTERED and sometimes ILLEGAL immingrants and etc who also use the system. Even with the so called ‘legal’ immigrants the government re the actual figures DON’T know the true figures.
Add the numbers who tie up the A and E department, the other hospital services and departments thrown into the mix?? It’s NOT sustainable. Long term the NHS is doomed. The changing nursing / care roles re employment titles and such are bringing in those who have little or no real training re the actual nursing = more glorified auxilliary nurses, just rebadged and retitled. Mostly foreigners who have been brought in to fill minor duties etc. Those who are supposedly trained re nurses etc who are NOT from the UK often have language problems, little understanding of the UK its customs and traditions. So patients are left with some who are in it for the work, the money, the prestige or to fether their egos etc. A tiresome awkward demanding patient or one who requires a lot more re their ongoing treatments / medications are at the mercy of those.
We’ll get of course the ones who get upset when the truth is shown for what it is. You can’t say this, you can’t say that, you can’t do this or complain unfairly?? What was shockingly shown for what it is a perfect example of what I am talking about?
An actual QUALIFIED nurse.? Let’s not forget shall we the recent murdering piece of scum that killed all those innocent babies?? Yes the one who the CONSULTANTS complained about and quite legitimately only to end up having to put an apology to that piece of ! when it was dragged up by the hospital executives .. diretors ? etc
So tied up in following procedures and not wanting to show the real problems the NHS has .. so lets cover it up shall we... I could talk about the amount of THIEVING that goes on in hospitals.. do your own research and yes you will find that probably the vast majority of incidences go unreported ! Yet the ones that are available for us to view ? Make no mistake the so called nursing staff, ancilliary let alone ADMINISTRATION / ACCOUNTING staff employed within the NHS can be real thieves and criminals. MILLIONS robbed from the NHS. Often organised criminal gangs.