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NO names. are given re those giving me, directly or indirectly DENYING me  medical assistance.

ALL I do, is supply MY health and well being FACTS, what transpired especially recently re the lack of VITAL BLOOD RESULTS continues to be shocking.

Mobility : Glendurgan Garden. Cornwall.

This was another trip out where I took on the challenges involved in getting the most from my mobility.

About 2 miles in total - the black arrows show the route taken. The side pics illustrate some of the terrain experienced. Luckily there were several benches available to take the occasional rest. Weather was overcast and cool.

It did allow me to push use of the various muscles especially the calf related ones which did ache a lot afterwards. The ankles were also problematic as some bleeding into the tissue had been present along with CRAMPS. Upper thigh including the Gluteus Maxzimus were also targeted by being constantly dragged into use. That meant the hips were also feeling a little painful at times. HOWEVER, to me, the effort put into this and the fact that I managed to complete the course to my satisfaction; was worth the discomfort.

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